Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Late Start - So, Let's Get this Party Started!

Letter to alumni of the UCHS Class of 1977: The class reunion committee is planning a 30th year activity weekend for October 26-27, 2007. You will be getting a link to this BLOG in your email so you can posts your comments and receive information. THere is NO sign-up required to use this page. You can post anonymous, but we prefer you give us a first name - last initial. THis page is for pictures and memories you would like to share with the rest of us 40-somethings. Primarily, it will first be used as a forum to get the reunion activities planned and into action!

You can make comments or ask questions directly to this post. It will be answered by followup post. Email can be sent to the address below the school photo above.

Future post will list: Flyer and information for Mixer on October 26, 2007, Information on dinner at Yacovelli's on the 27th of October, our PO Box address, Key contact emails and phone numbers. Feel free to let me know if you catch mistakes on this page.

Mark G


Anonymous said...

Mark, I noticed on your missing person's list "Louis Drey". Just FYI it's "Leonard" aka "RD" Drey. Last contaqct I had was in the early 90's when he had just relocated to St. Louis. Hope that helps....

marci richason said...

Has anyone seen Pam Linder-Hendry? Remember she married her highschool sweetheart Robin Hendry. They are still missing are they not? I would love to see them both. Marci Richason

Anonymous said...

I had a BLAST! It was absolutely fantastic to see so many of our classmates, some of whom I had'nt seen since graduation,....Dan, Abe, Cliff, Delearn, Mike Jefferson, Earl, Alphonse, Mark, Craig Smith and so many more of " The Fellas "...... It was good to see the guy's I still see from time to time,..... LewT,.... David Lee,.... Larry Mtichell,... Charels Moorehead,..... Tony Shannon, Micheal Humphrey....and the Ladies! OMG! THE LADIES were all so fine and oh soooo Beautiful,...Stephanie, Stacy, Vetra, Beth, Teresa, Mary,..... My goodness too many more to mention Here. They all looked Great!......All of the things I've done and all of the places I've beeen since High school were a lifetime of experiences for me, for anyone.... but U city prepared me for those experiences,.....My memories of the friends, and lifelong friendships we've developed, the things we did, ..sports, music, or just plain goofing around in the front hallway, were some of the fondest memories of my life. I'd like to Thank the reunion committee, for all of their hard work, and dilligence, and for the great job they did pulling off this 30 year renunion, it will be another in a long list of fond memrories that I have for U. City, and the CLASS of 77'