Monday, December 31, 2007


Happy New Year to all of y'all! If the appearance of this blog startles you - don't worry, this is just to introduce you to what you can find one in the 2008. You will still be able to link to our high school page and post photos or whatever, until you get tired. Then we'll have to drum up some new activity. Until then visit me again here at REMEMBER you can view the photos at REUNION GALLERIES just click on the to picture to open up the different photo sets!

Mark (Midwestroller)

Saturday, November 10, 2007


Clicking the following link will take you to the REUNION GALLERIES. Here you will view individual photo albums from those that attended the reunion events. The pictures you see (right now 4) are the album covers - just click on the cover to open the album, just like in your family room. Or, diningroom. Or, Living room. Get it?

Mark G

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Just for FUN

Stephanie, Vetra, Larry in 1987

Paula Lewis in 1987

Ya know, I just didn't know that our clothing was still so tiny in 1987! When did the sweatshops give us a break? Paula, well, she's OK, but behind her - is that Abe? Well, in any case, enjoy these and get ready to visit our ONLINE PHOTO ALBUMS, where you will find more gems like these for you viewing pleasure. Visit back this weekend to link to the lost photos of '87. Also, many of you have digital photos that need to get into the ALBUM - well, you can email them to me. Or contact me and I'll tell you how to upload them yourself! Sounds like a plan.


Sunday, November 4, 2007

Thank YOU.

The members of the reunion committee would like to send a heartfelt THANK YOU to all of you that attended. You traveled from so many places to make the reunion a 'roaring' success. The venues were top-notch with excellent food and drink. So to all of you Carol Jo, and Howie, Michael, Delearn, Teresa, Beth, Humphrey, Roland, Leonard, Paul, Hallie, and Donnie. To all of y'all I missed as I go through a senior forty-ish moment of not remembering names, oh, Larry, Tony, Lawrence, Carla, Hillary, Mary, Kathy, Edna, Juliet, Mark, Charles, Ann, Barb, Karen, Burke, Dan K, and Dan K, Angie, Craig, Vincent, Howard, Rita, San San, Alphose, Sharon, Peter, Carolyn, Gilbert, Earl, Darlene, Marie, Sandy, Diane, Jane, Michelle, Cliff, Paulette, Keevin, Tim, Marion, Terry and the rest. Even on Gilligan's Island they later said, "the professor and Marianne". Even Carlton Lockett found his way to North COunty to close out the night. (His bluetooth had GPS). And, Please continue to accept calls from Renell, because he expresses how the committee feels best and I'm sure most of you feel - That we had fun, and it is good to come from a place called U. City. Next, we can discuss how to post your photos to online albums. If you have already done so, send me the link. Keep visiting, put me on your favorites at work.

Mark G.

Monday, October 29, 2007


I couldn’t have said it better myself. Even, though I neglected to write, "BLASTOFF" or DAY ZERO for the last post, so I think Fantasmagicalariffic sums up the weekend. You can see it in Hallie G’s expression. What is success? Rice. Yes, but success is also 2 nights in October with U City’s Class of 1977. It is waaaaaaaaaaaay too much to share with you all now. And, especially for y’all that could not attend, I want to be sure to share as many photos, email contacts, and stories that is possible, so that you can be included-in-place. I will transmit a feeling to you with the help of photos I took and photos that others provide. Later, I’ll recommend ways for you to share your photos by using online albums like Flickr. (Hallie's photo will be up this afternoon)

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Marci - Just Awesome!


Derrick Mills and Larry Brown

Howard Doss

From the LAST PICNIC Guess Whose pics these are?

Kerry and Annie

Annie and Darryl

Annie and Mark

Lewis and Danita

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Couple of Couple's - 20TH

Angie and Reggie

Sabrina And David Lee

Cliff Hangin'

Two thousand zero seven party over OOP's!- out of time. Everybody tonight I'm gonna party like its...

Nancy's Back/Karen's Front

Maybe this decade we'll be treated to Karen's back and Nancy's Front - either way, it's going to be great seeing everyone - great response!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Shrek 3, no 20 years ago - FINAL

We still married, that's me and the wife. See y'all at the RAC, remember NO YAC, I'm about out of 10 year reunion photos, so let's move on!
Peter Selvey
Stephanie and, help me out please...

Dwayne and Vetra back in the Day!

More views from 20 years ago 2

If you know who you were then, tell us.
R. Couzart demonstrating smooth moves, no doubt!
Maybe I should say the 10 year reunion, It doesn't sound so long ago! Who is this?

Thursday, October 11, 2007

MOre memories from the 20th

3 Women and Dwayne

Never a fashion misfit, D. Powell fit right in at this pic from the 20th!

Grade School Friends at the 10th

Classmates since 2nd grade at Blackberry Lane School. Sandy Hsieh, Debbie Sheil & Carol Jacobs at the 10th UCity class reunion.

Sandy Hsieh

Tuesday, October 9, 2007


Which we had both. We also had a Randolph Kirk and a Richard Kirk - Where are you guys? Most likely, curing cancer or something routine like that! Well, so goes the life of a seventy-seven grad. So, feast your eyes on the captures of the 10 AND 20 year Dan KLOECKNER above. You pick the year. Oh, see Roland O. sitting back in the cut! Remember, click on the picture to see better.

Mark G

Sunday, October 7, 2007

I believe I can FLY

YOu know, I agree Mike, sometimes you just have to say HEY - Got my beer, got my camera, I'm at the 20 year reunion, in the rickity-ass Heman park shelter - I'm feeling my peeps, Hey!

Saturday, October 6, 2007

20 Days to go and 20 years ago

Beth and Dwayne were putting on the Ritz in this fantastic capture!

Mario Cirio

at the 10th

Isn't they LOVELY!

NO question about it! Carol and Michelle were definitely representing at this 10year reunion event.

Friends at the 20 year GALA

Ok, Someone leave a comment with the first young lady's name - It is Sabrina Caldwell, thanks! We got Abe and Tony holding it down with Edna and Donna Davis or is that Debbie Davis? I always got confused, so I just call them Debbie-Donna. You say it Debbie-Donna. Real Fast - Debbie-Donna.

Friends Chillin' at the 20 year PICNIC

Let's see from left to right: Darryl, Kerry, Gilbert, and David! I'm sure we will all see them at the 30th. Is that Abe there in the background? Oh, and check out Kerry's cellphone, were they that big in '97?

Friday, October 5, 2007

Robert Townsend - Before and After

So ya see - At the 10-year way back in 1987 we were privy to have Robert Townsend kick-it with the Class of 1977! You know, The Meteor Man. Actually, we helped his career, because after he hung with us, he went on to make Hollywood Shuffle ,in 1987, and then I'm Gonna Git You Sucka, in 1988 - the pinnacle of his career! Also, who can forget The Five Heartbeats! So check out the BEFORE photo above where he's being accompanied by Arlene, later he was all U-City-ed up and had to be held-up by Carolyn and Stephanie, 'cause that's the way we do it! Last call, dude, last call. BTW, I haven't seen him since.

Mark G

NO YAC - Saturday NIGHT!!

Do to events that are beyond the control of the reunion committee, Saturday night dining at Yacovelli's Restaurant has been cancelled and MOVED. The festivities will NOW be held at CATERING TO YOU, (CLICK) 12775 New Halls Ferry Road, Florissant, MO, 63033 314-839-3244. You still have time to get in on the registration, we've extended out a few more days until OCT 10th. After that, we will only accept cash or money orders, NO CHECKS. Not like we don't trust you...


Golf Sunday - Really!

If you want to be added to the list of golfers, please add a comment to this post. Just click below and leave your name - This is just so David Lee can get an approx. count. That will be for 9 holes at Ruth Park. We'll have more specifics out later.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Has anybody seen my old friend...

Theresa! Can you tell me where she's gone? You know the rest. If you see your photo you hast to make a comment!

Time is getting Shorts!

Er, I mean short! Unlike the non-Jordinesque basketball uniform-circa, 1977, worn in the heat of play by our own #14 Lewis Tyler! So, don't miss the RAC and the YAC this OCT, because it's going to be TIGHT like that "wife-tappin' T-shirt" in our photo capture. All jokes aside, tight and little may come back, you never know. Who wants to take a fashion risk?

Mark G

Monday, October 1, 2007


In honor of this past weekends, Homecoming where University City Lions beat Rockwood Summit 32-16(Click on the score for more stats!) Ok, like I was saying in honor of the current Class of 2008's win Saturday, let us re-visit our homecoming King and Queen from 1977, David Lee and Stephanie Williams, Olympiad and TV personality, no STAR! Ehhem, Is that Ms. Vivian Wilkerson's back we see? On addition, I'd like to point out that this year's homecoming was highlighted by the crowning of a a King and a "King of Queens" - Click Here to READ MORE! AND View the Video and related Stories!


Tuesday, September 25, 2007

ALERT! Check this LIST!

U. City people who can not be located. If you know how to find or know any information please email the committee with the information!
Chris Allen
Diana Bass
Steve Broecker
Judy Brown
Walter Lee Brown
Lynn Casmier - FOund!
Martin Coffey
Mary Davis - Found!
Leonard Drey - Found!
Eric Engelbretson
Linda Enke
Karen Holloway Evans
Roxanna Gaines - Found!
Christina Goetting
Steven Goetting
William Hatcher
Lisa Hay
Kevin HAywood
Angela Fisher Hendricks - Found!
Nancy Kegel Hintz
Vickie Jacobs
Stephanie Jones
Carolyn Johnson
Stephanie Jones
Richard Kirk
Danita Williams Mitchell
Archie Moore - Found!
Patricia Moore - Found!
Janet Pegues
Cheryl Fowler Reynolds
Gary Roach
Rose Rosen
Dorothy Royston
Tony Shannon - Found!
Craig Smith - Found!
Eric Smith
Daniel Sontag - Found!
Krystal Lynn Stankowski
Lisa Suits - Found!
Monica Swihart - Found!
Juliananna Gaines Thomas - Found!
Richard Thomas
Theresa Vogel
Joanne Burgess Vogt
Anthony Williams
Karen Williams
Lisa Zacharewicz - FOUND in CALI!

Thursday, September 20, 2007


I appreciate those that have the blog on their bookmark/favorite page! Remember to share and checkback often. We have some people that refuse to be located, so we're asking your help. THis is not a SARAH alert, or AMBER alert, it is just a LERT (Last Established Residence Tried) alert! SO for those of you visiting from St. Ann, Beverly HIlls, Fairview Heights, Falls Church, Sunnyside, Tampa, Minnetonka, New York, Orlando, Brooklyn, Portland, West Hollywood, Oakton, Sherman Oaks, Elk Grove Village, Cambridge, Maryland Heights, and Culver City, and Van Nuys (WHere they used to make the gum); Go look for your classmates, give them the link and I'll send them a registration. I can see you, can you find them?

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

GOLF Sunday

In the seventies, we’d be shifting 4 on the floor, but its 2007, so we’re tiptronic into 6th gear! What does all that mean? It means we’re in high gear barreling toward the reunion! 38 days out and now we got GOLF Sunday, for those interested. David Lee is looking for names, so he can set something up at home course in Ruth Park. Hopefully, the weather will hold. Please send your name and contact number to the email or just respond by clicking the envelope below. There you can make your comment and we all can see and share who plans to GOLF! Hurry!
Thanks, D. Spitler.

Mark G

Friday, September 14, 2007

THis ain't NO Carryout!

Saturday Night is gonna be all right at Catering To You!